Tuberous Breast Deformity Correction (Hypoplasia)

The tuberous breast is a developmental deformity of breast shape. It causes a pointy, narrow breast with a constricted narrow base and large puffy areolar. The areolar deformity is due to breast tissue which has “herniated” or grown into the areola. The condition is often uneven from side to side with differences in breast size and severity of the deformity from side to side.

Tuberous breast deformity is classified by three grades:

One: mainly in the inferomedial (lower inner) quadrant
Two: in the two inferior (lower) quadrants, and
Three: affecting the whole breast.

Generally, those affected with this type of breast deformity are highly motivated to have it corrected.

Tuberous Breast Deformity Correction Before and After


Many operations attempting to correct the tuberous breast deformity have been described. On the basis that the main abnormality of the condition is actually herniation of breast tissue into the areolar, most methods of correction involve a doughnut or peri-areolar breast-nipple tightening.  This also returns breast tissue back into the breast.  It also reduces size and projection of the nipple. This is usually combined with breast augmentation mammoplasty. Low to medium profile breast implants broaden the base width of the breast as well as increase breast size. Fat grafting may also be used in conjunction with other procedures. Dr Drielsma prefers this technique to correct the tuberous breast deformity.

The correction helps to:

  • flatten the pointy breast
  • reduce nipple size and puffiness, and reduce nipple projection,
  • broaden the breast base
  • increase the breast size.
  • shape the breasts with fat grafting in conjunction with doughnut lifting and augmentation mammoplasty.

The operation takes around 2 to 3 hours and usually involves an overnight stay in the hospital. Dr Drielsma will also often recommend fat transfer to the breast.  This is done at the time of initial correction or 6 to 12 months late.  Medicare item numbers may apply meaning that it is possible private health funds will cover hospital costs and costs of implants.

**Individual results may vary. All surgery carries risks. 

You should get a second opinion from an equally qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon before proceeding with surgery.