Your Hospital Stay

Dr Drielsma of Sydney Cosmetic Plastic Surgery operates at several private hospitals in Sydney. We also have an office based surgical theatre for procedures performed under local anaesthetic.

Hospitals commonly used include:

hospital stay

East Sydney Private Hospital, Woolloomooloo


Phone:                  (02) 9001 2000

Address:            75 Crown Street,
Woolloomooloo, NSW, 2011

hospital staySt Lukes Private Hospital, Potts Point


Phone:                  (02) 9356 0200

Address:            18 Roslyn Street,
Potts Point NSW 2011

hospital stayThe Skin Hospital, Darlinghurst


Phone:                  (02) 8651 2000

Address:            121 Crown St,
Darlinghurst 2010, NSW

hospital stayPrince of Wales Private Hospital, Randwick

Email:                  see website

Phone:                (02) 9650 4000

Address:            Barker St,
Randwick 2031, NSW

and the Medica Surgical Centre Hurstville

Before Surgery

Once you have scheduled your surgery you will be provided with an admissions package prior to your hospital stay which includes:

  • The forms you need to complete to finalise your booking
  • Information on how to prepare before your hospital stay
  • Further information about your hospital account
  • Admission time
  • Fasting instructions

On Your Surgery Day

After settling into hospital you will be visited by your anaesthetist who asks about your medical history and prepares you before surgery.

Dr. Drielsma sees you prior to your procedure. Some marking up or drawing on you may be involved prior to your surgery. However, this process is unlikely to hold any surprises as you will be well informed prior to your surgery.

Day Patients – Your Hospital Stay

Nursing staff transfers you to the recovery area for an hour following your anesthetic and operation, for monitoring. Prior to being discharged, you are transferred to the ward environment. However, the type of operation you have and the time it takes you to recover from the anesthetic determines the length of your hospital stay

Overnight Patients – Your Hospital Stay

Nurses transfer you to the recovery room following your operation and monitor you for an hour following your anesthetic before transferring you to the ward department for your hospital stay. However, again, the type of operation you have and the time it takes you to recover from the anesthetic determines the length of your hospital stay.

Before you leave the hospital you will be provided with postoperative care instructions and details regarding your follow up appointments with Dr. Drielsma.

If you have not yet booked a consultation with Dr Drielsma, click here to contact us now!