Breast Lift / Mastopexy

Dr Drielsma, Specialist Plastic Surgeon, has vast experience in breast lift (mastopexy).

Breast Lift Sydney Before and After Photo

Breast lift (mastopexy) may be considered by patients for a variety of reasons, including loss of breast volume after pregnancy, weight loss and age, stretched or enlarged nipples, and sagging cleavage.

Dr Drielsma is master of the “Lollipop” breast lift (mastopexy) technique with internal bra sling

Dr Drielsma

Australia societyFracsExcellence in cosmetics surgery


When might you consider a breast lift (mastopexy)?

Gravity, skin ageing, weight changes and breast feeding can all contribute to sagging and drooping breasts. This can also cause a change in nipple position, forcing them to droop, rather than facing forward on the breast.  Finding clothing that fits or is comfortable can be difficult with drooping breasts.

There are three conditions that can result in “sagging breasts”. These are:

Breast ptosis or “ptotic breasts”. This means that the nipple and breast tissue have lost firmness and the skin has lost its elasticity, leading to sagging.

Empty Sac Syndrome refers to the condition where the breast has lost fullness due to age, genetics and breast feeding, however the nipple hasn’t fallen in relation to the crease of the breast.

Pseudoptosis is similar to Empty Sac Syndrome where your breasts lack fullness. However in this case the breast lacks fullness above the nipple rather than below it.

  • Breasts lost their shape and volume
  • Pendulous shape and position of the breasts
  • Breasts are unsupported and nipples fall below the breast crease
  • The tissue and skin of the breasts are stretched
  • Uncomfortable or asymmetrical breasts

Breast Lift (mastopexy) Surgery in Sydney

Breast Lift Techniques

There are a number of breast lift techniques and the one used for your procedure depends on the surgeon and on your personal needs. The appropriate procedure for you is something you will need to discuss with Dr Drielsma during your consultation.

The two methods most recognised in Australia are the “Lollipop”  Vertical technique and the anchor or “inverted T” incision technique. The Lollipop technique is Dr Drielsma’s preferred method of breast lift surgery.

The “Lollipop” Technique can:

  • Help to deliver a natural shaped result. This is due to the fact it does not constrict the lower breast pole skin envelope which means the remaining breast tissue can settle into a natural rounded shape.
  • The natural resulting shape of a lollipop reduction/lift tend to improve with time.

Dr Drielsma performs the lollipop technique in all cases of breast lift (mastopexy)/breast lift (mastopexy) with implants (mammoplasty). Dr Drielsma will discuss this with you following examination at consultation.

Breast Lifting Procedures

Breast lift procedures should only be performed by a fully qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon in an accredited  hospital under general anaesthetic. Dr Drielsma only works with appropriately qualified surgical staff and anaesthetists in fully licensed,  compliant hospitals with the highest of safety standards.

Theatre time is generally 3 to 3,5 hours, though this time varies depending on the patient and the degree of surgery the patient needs to achieve the results required.

The nipples are repositioned higher on the breast mound and adjustment of the remaining tissue undertaken to form a lifted appearance. This is part of the process to define the breast contour and reduce sagging.

A Breast Lift – also known as a Mastopexy procedure – can help to achieve a firmer, higher position on the chest wall.

Breast Lift surgery is one of the most common methods for altering the appearance of the breasts.

The Lollipop breast lift (mastopexy) procedure focuses on repositioning and lifting the breast, while also tightening the breast tissue and skin. Even the position and proportion of the nipple and areola can be adjusted depending on the desired look and preference. Excess skin will also be removed from the breasts during this procedure. If you suffer from inverted nipples this can also be addressed during your breast lift (mastopexy) surgery.

A breast lift (mastopexy) without implants aims to alter the appearance of your breasts without adding additional size or volume to the breast.  This, however, relies on your having adequate remaining breast tissue and good skin elasticity.  Some woman who have lost breast tissue and mass may find they need to consider a breast lift (mastopexy) with fat transfer or implants (mammoplasty).

Most breast lift, or mastopexy, procedures will include:

  • Shaping to ensure you have similar sized breasts
  • Breasts and nipples relocated higher on your chest
  • Tightened breast tissue and skin
  • Possible fat grafting to the breast to help achieve desired shape and fullness.

Breast Lift Scarring?

As with all surgeries, there is scarring involved with a breast lift (mastopexy) procedure. The amount of scarring involved depends on your skin type, tone and the technique used .

All surgical procedures, including breast lift (mastopexy) involve some level of scarring. All necessary precautions will be taken to help insure that scarring is kept to a minimum. Dr Drielsma will discuss this with you during your initial consultation.

Breast Lift Before and After Photos

lollipop breast lift

Breast Lift Surgery Sydney

Dr. Robert Drielsma is a Sydney based Specialist Plastic Surgeon with experience in the “lollipop”breast lift (mastopexy) and reduction mammoplasty technique.  His aim is to create natural looking breasts for his patients.

Dr. Drielsma is available for consultations at Bondi Junction in Sydney, Camden, Wagga Wagga and Canberra.

If you would like to book a consultation or find out more about breast lift or mastopexy surgery, please visit our Contact Page, call 1800 180 777

Breast Lift FAQ

What Should I Do Before Surgery?

Be sure to discuss your desired outcome and realistic expectations with your surgeon prior to surgery.  Ensure you understand exactly what can and cannot be done in terms of your breasts and particular body shape.

You will also need a referral from your general practitioner to Dr Drielsma.

It is advisable to stop smoking at least 2 weeks prior to your surgical procedure, as well as stopping the use of aspirin and other NSAIDs (non-steroidal anti-inflammatory drugs) one week before surgery as these drugs can cause blood thinning complications.

How is a Breast Lift (mastopexy) Performed and what is the downtime?

Excess skin is removed and tightened using  Dr Drielsma’s preferred Lollipop method to lift the breast back into a natural position. Surgery is performed under general anaesthetic and takes around 3 hours to perform. Generally one night in hospital post-op is recommended. You will be able to return to work after 2 weeks, and normal physical activity after 6 weeks.

What Happens During Recovery?

You will be given specific instructions to follow during your recovery period.  Following these instructions will give you the best chance of a swift recovery and minimal scarring.  You will see some swelling and scarring immediately after surgery but this will begin to subside after 4-6 weeks.  Please remember that it can take up to 12 months for your breasts to settle into their final position and shape, and for swelling to completely subside. There will be visible bruising for up to 2-3 weeks. As part of your consultation with Dr Drielsma, you will discuss and customise individual pain management.

Is a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) Painful?

There is some pain after a Breast Lift, as with any kind of surgery, but most of Dr Drielsma’s patients are pleasantly surprised how little pain there is using his signature lollipop technique.  However, you can decrease your level of discomfort and improve your recovery period by carefully following your post-operative instructions. Dr Drielsma also recommends you avoid lifting anything heavy. Further, avoid any strenuous work for several weeks as advised.

How Long Does a Breast Lift (Mastopexy) Last?

The results of an expertly performed breast lift are long lasting.  The success of your Breast Lift depends on a variety of factors including future childbirth, weight fluctuations, and ageing. Women who maintain a stable weight after their Breast Lift report results that last decades!

Are There Risks?

There are  risks with all forms of surgery. Complications with modern plastic surgery and Breast Lifts (Mastopexy) are uncommon but can include infection, unfavourable scarring, seroma (accumulation of fluid), bleeding or haematoma, delayed wound healing, nipple sensitivity changes, nipple loss or necrosis, and asymmetry. Common side effects include swelling and bruising, but these will subside with time and correct recovery care.

Can I Breast feed After a Breast Lift (Mastopexy)?

Breast lift (mastopexy) procedures may affect your breastfeeding ability. This is because your breast tissue and nipples may be readjusted as part of your procedure. If you have plans to breastfeed after your surgery you will need to discuss this with Dr Drielsma during your consultations.
How Much Does a Breast Lift Cost?
The cost of surgery will differ from surgeon to surgeon, so be sure to do your research before making your final decision. Be wary of ridiculously cheap or expensive surgery quotes. Be wary of the pitfalls of cheap cosmetic surgery, especially surgery performed overseas. This is your body and you should never settle for cheap, nasty or second-best.

NEXT STEP: Book your Initial Consultation

  • To arrange your consultation with Dr Drielsma, obtain a referral from your general practitioner and call 1800 180 777 to arrange your consultation appointment.
  • A Referral from your GP or specialist is essential.

What to Bring to your Surgeon Consultation

  • Bring a friend or relative to help discuss further information and consider your choices
  • Take lots of notes and read the documents provided thoroughly
  • You may need to undress for a physical exam so wear simple clothing

Want more information before scheduling your Surgeon consultation?

  • Request further information about the procedure – call or contact us
  • Book a patient Advisor chat – (FREE)
  • Organise a phone call with Patient Advisor – (FREE)

**Results may vary from individual to individual.  All surgery is associated with risks.  Seek a second opinion from an equally qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon before proceeding with surgery.  Dr Drielsma is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon.