Gynaecomastia: Male Breast Reduction

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Gynecomastia or male breast enlargement is a condition characterised by abnormal swelling of the male breast. Male breast reduction aims to address this condition.

Gynecomastia may be the result in the following situations:

  • Generalised excess fatty tissue as in obesity.
  • It may result from the loss of such excess fatty tissue as in massive weight loss giving a loose skin, sagging empty breast look.
  • Gynaecomastia may also result from an overgrowth of the breast disk giving an enlarged male breast in an otherwise normal weight individual. This is due to:
    • hormonal imbalance or irregularities
    • drug intake (eg anabolic steroids)
    • idiopathic (no identifiable cause) – this is by far the largest group.



Male breast reduction involves initial assessment thorough consultation and examination. This involves organising blood tests and a special X-ray (ultrasound).

Male breast reduction in the suitable candidate will depend on the cause. Dr Drielsma uses liposuction in the case of fatty excess. Further, in cases of skin excess and dropping Dr Drielsma combines skin reduction with liposuction.

What is Gynaecomastia?

Cases due to breast disk enlargement alone require an operation called a subcutaneous mastectomy.  This operation is done through a small incision around the nipple.  It involves removal surgically of the swollen breast disk while preserving subcutaneous fat.  The operation takes around 2 hours and involves a general anaesthetic and overnight hospitalisation.  Rebates from medicare and health funds may also apply.

Complications are uncommon; however, all surgery involves some level of risk. Complications may include bleeding, infection and fluid accumulation. Return to work is usually in 2 weeks.

Consultation with Dr Drielsma is the first step in assessing and treating Gynaecomastia. Further, appropriate male breast reduction options can be assessed and planned for you.

Contact Dr Drielsma today for further information or to book a consultation.

**Individual results may vary. All surgery carries risks.

You should get a second opinion from a qualified Specialist Plastic Surgeon before proceeding with surgery.

Dr Drielsma is a Specialist Plastic Surgeon.