Brow Lift (Browplasty)

Face and browlifting (browplasty) has evolved greatly in recent years.  The development of modern surgical techniques has seen the introduction of endoscopic “key hole” procedures. Dr Drielsma uses small incisions and a telescope, to perform browlift (browplasty) surgery.

Frown lines appear due to the action of underlying forehead muscles. Brow lifting (browplasty) aims to lift the tissues of the brow and forehead and smooth frown lines.

Conventional Browlift (Browplasty)

Conventional open browlifting (browplasty) has meant that in the past patients needed to accept a long scar across the upper forehead hairline or over the top of the head. Patients were reluctant to accept these scars.  Using endoscopic techniques browlifting has now become a more widely tolerated procedure. Further, this reduces surgery time and can help to reduce post-operative pain and recovery when compared to conventional browlift (browplasty), with patients usually returning to normal activities within 7-10 days.

Brow lift


Endoscopic Browlift (Browplasty)

Endoscopic browlift (browplasty) is the most common endoscopic cosmetic procedure performed around the world today. Through “keyhole” incisions behind the forehead hairline, the surgeon inserts a small telescope which guides the surgeon in lifting the tissues of the forehead and brow.

In the case of patients seeking eyelid rejuvenation (blepharoplasty), Dr Drielsma must consider the effect of the brow on the upper eyelids. Dr Drielsma treats this with a browlift (browplasty) either alone or in conjunction with upper lid blepharoplasty rather than by blepharoplasty alone.

Dr Drielsma performs endoscopic browlift (browplasty) as an overnight stay procedure under general anaesthetic. He can also combine endoscopic browlift (browplasty) with facelifting (rhytidectomy) and blepharoplasty.

Temporal Browlift (Browplasty)

Dr Drielsma designs a lateral temporal browlift (browplasty) to lift the outer eyebrow as well as tighten the temporal area. Through a temporal “in the hair” incision, Dr Drielsma frees the temporal area to allow upward movement and then places supportive lifting stitches are in the deep fascia (strong tissue) to lift and suspend the temporal area. This procedure is ideally suited to upper facelifting (rhytidectomy).


**Results may vary for individual to individual